Martin's Movies

Experience the Magic of PowerPoint

About Us

To be completely honest this whole thing started off when I was in the school library and I wanted to make a game in PowerPoint but I failed so I made a movie instead and like yeah I'm starting to pay my employees now πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ˜…πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜Šβ˜ΊοΈπŸ˜Έ
3 movie tickets Β£0.50
Get 3 movie tickets for Β£0.50 and buy 3 movies... or you can just buy the same movie three times... Learn More

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Common questions

Here are some of the most common questions that we get. Just kidding this thing came with the website template so I might as well use it.
How can I apply for a job with your movie company? Go up to me at break. I'll probably have a clipboard with contract papers on it.
What types of jobs are available at your movie company? Literally any. If you want to fold pieces of paper to make paycheck envelopes, go for it. We'll pay you for anything.
Do I need previous experience to work at your movie company? Yes, you will need at least some experience in your desired job sector. It's all on the Job Opportunities page mate
What is the hiring process like? We'll go up to you with a contract and all you have to do is provide your name, phone number and signature. The rest is about your experience, hours, job, simple things you know.